
Let us start from US. National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), which was shut down in 2014.


NSLS was a part of Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is about 100 km east of Manhattan. It was one of the oldest synchrotrons in the world. I stayed in Brookhaven for one year, had a lot of chance to do my experiments, it was a great place.

I visited NSLS-II in July 2016. NSLS-II was just started in September 2015.

It was still a lot of empty space, and many things are quickly prepared.

Another US synchrotron, APS.

6circle 6ID, APS

30 minutes drive from Chicago city, Argonne National Lab (ANL) has one of the largest synchrotrons in the world. The hotel in ANL is great, but expensive.

They are very strict in safety.

APS safety
APS safety glasses

I often saw a pile of safety glasses. I even found a pair of safety glasses beside a toaster. (But I haven't heard that there was a rule to wear safety glasses when you use a toaster in ANL.)

Next, France. Soleil, 15km south of Paris.


I don't know the reasons, but they have a lot of wood structure. The roof is supported by wooden beam. The cafeteria provides great foods.


ESRF in Grenoble. The experimental hall seems a cave or an old hospital.

Japan, SPring-8.

BL-13XU, SPring-8

Experiment at BL13XU.

SPring-8 floor

Beam pipe ahead, be careful. What? Bikcycle?

Next, SACLA under construction in June 2010.

SACLA accelerator shield
SACLA linac

(1st)Shield of SACLA accelerator. The thickness was 1.5m. It is a sliding door on steel rail. (2nd) Linear accelerator. It's long.

SACLA undulator
SACLA beam dump

SACLA undulator and, probably the electron beam pipe just downstream of it. X-ray goes straight to you, and the electron beam is bent to the hole on the ground. The radiation is absorbed by the thick ground.

Experimental hall of the free electron laser FLASH, DESY, Germany. The wavelength range is 4.2nm to 51nm, no X-ray in here.


Next to the FLASH, PETRA III. The entrance and a stone diffractometer.

PETRA3 entrance
stone diffractometer

Next, Taiwan.


Taiwan Photon Source, March 2015. Experimental hall was under construction.

TPS ring

Taiwan Photon Source, ring. From left to right: The beam pipe from linac to booster ring, booster ring, and synchrotron. At that time, they had leached to 100mA storage. They were working to store 500mA.

Taiwan Light Source, 1.5GeV-ring. It seems like an intermediate of UV-ring and X-ray ring of NSLS. The new dormitory of 国家(National)同歩(synchrotron)輻射(radiation)研究(research)中心(center) NSRRC was clean and luxury.

Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) in Korea. It has ring-type Pohang Light Source-II(PLS-II) and linac-base PAL-XFEL. Let me start from PLS-II.

PLS-II hall
mechanical lock
coherent diffraction instrument

(1st)Experimental hall. Hutches for PAL instruments are green. Sometimes you find white ones, which belongs to other laboratory. (2nd)The key system is mechanical, similar to NSLS. (3rd)Diffractometer of a coherent diffraction beamline. The sample is hold with a hexapod.


XFEL accelerator shield
experimental hutch

(1st) Shield of XFEL accelerator. Nearly 2m thick. SACLA has a sliding shield, PAL has a high-handed hinged door. (2nd)A series of klystrons. (3rd)Experimental hutch.